Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Malcom Gladwell Gone Mad: Random thoughts about nothing

In Malcom Gladwell video conference May 12, 2008 - Gladwell seems to have gone mad. Gladwell, in his typical way, argues another 'so what' topic. This guy is mad. Why does it matter first of all that athletes are tested or teachers are tested or lawyers are tested for the rigor of their professions? Gladwell suggests that it is not accurate to try and test skills and abilities of athletes, teachers and lawyers. Putting a battery of test to raise the standards does not necessary guarantee any more success then testing an average Joe from the streets. Is Gladwell suggestion that professionals and the average Joe have the same skill sets? Is Gladwell suggestion that screening for fitness, cognitive capacities and knowledge does not guarantee any tangible results. He even suggest that those who test well in a battery of cognitive and physical tests fair poorly in everyday work task on the job. The only premise I agree with in all of Malcom's arguments is the truth that human performance is best tested on the job not in an artificial setting. The rest is just him spouting off about seemingly obscure, random thoughts about nothing. This being said, I still enjoyed listening to him...

See for yourself...click on the title and view video

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