Thursday, October 30, 2008

OCTOBER 20 New Yorker

Check out October 20th's New Yorker. I read it cover to cover this week. Not that I am bored, I am working full-time caring for 3 animals, 2 kids and a sick and sometimes absent wife. Still, I found time to read this issue: I wrote about Malcom Gladwell's article last post. I read a couple more interesting articles worthy of reading. "The Financial Pages" by James Surowiecki is an interesting twist on our financial woes. "The Omen" in Annals of Finance take us deeper into the Jeremy Kerviel case of how he made enormous profits for his company only to have them file suit against him and have him sent to jail. French financial extraordinaire may still prevail with his powerful defense team? The jury is still out on capitalism? and in Profiles, "Zen Master" we meet Gary Snyder and his interesting life as a hippie zen poet. Read on and enjoy these cold...dark, windy days of October in the New Yorker to warm you souls with interesting and engaging writing.

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