Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sara McMann's worst enemy on the mat is herself

This is a story that will move the biggest rock on the planet. Sara McMann. A Silver Medalist at the 2004 Athen games in Wrestling. In the last three years she has lost her brother to a senseless death and her finasee in a tragic car accident. Yet, she has perservered and is attempting to reach her goal to be an Olympic Champion. Stories like this amaze me. The resolve of some people and the depth in which people can reach down and find themselves in the worst of circumstance is extraordianary. You wouldn't know why Sara was crying at the Medal ceremony in Athens in 2004. Her then finasee was able to comfort her in a time where Sara was a medalist in the Olympics. Anyone would have love to be in her place, but do we or will we ever understand the pain that Sara suffers from her devastating loss of her brother and just a short time after, her loss of her fiansee. WOW...I know who's corner I will be in when Sara wrestles for the Gold this year in Beijing, Sara McMann's because she is a survivor, a battler and a worrior in having overcome her huge losses in her life.

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