Tuesday, April 22, 2008


My placement has been up in the air for where I will be assigned to work next school year. I have agreed to do the impossible and serve my year long administrative internship. I have mixed feelings about this in so many ways. How will I get my daily workout? How will I continue to do what I love, connect with kids. I have been told my placement could be at another school...possibly a middle school. Today I got some encouraging news that I may be placed at my current school. Of course, this could be premature and not my actual placement but I am hopeful and encouraged by the news. Placements try your patience. I just smile when asked where I will be next year and say" I don't know yet"? Well, in the world of uncertainty... my world of being placed as an intern may have got closer to be certain today.

Hopefully encouraged, but reluctantly optimistic


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